Our doubts, sins, apathy, and misunderstandings are like locked doors standing between us and God.
But God’s Word holds the key…
This Lent, we’ll be reading through Matthew’s Gospel and discovering what it can unlock for us along our spiritual journey.
Ash Wednesday (2/22): Matthew 1-4
Lent 1 (2/26): Matthew 5-8
Lent 2 (3/5): Matthew 9-11
Lent 3 (3/12): Matthew 12-13
Lent 4 (3/19): Matthew 14-17
Lent 5 (3/26): Matthew 18-20
Palm Sunday (4/2): Matthew 21-23
Maundy Thurs. (4/6): Matthew 24:1-26:46
Good Friday (4/7): Matthew 26:47-27:66
Easter Sunday: Matthew 28

At our Ash Wednesday service, you'll be invited to select a key to represent the biggest obstacles to your relationship with God.
(Additional keys will be available on the first Sunday of Lent for those who were unable to attend Wednesday's service.)
Carry your key with you throughout Lent as a tangible reminder of God's presence as you work to overcome the things standing between you.
Daily Devotional
Click through on this page
(Hard copies available upon request)

Between Ash Wednesday and Easter, we will be writing the things that are standing in the way of a full relationship with God for us on a display board.
Our questions, our sins, our omissions, our doubts, our actions - anything that you're comfortable sharing.
On Easter Sunday, we'll see what God does with these barriers.
Worship Times:
ASH WEDNESDAY (February 22): 6pm in the Westminster Chapel
MAUNDY THURSDAY (April 6): 6pm in the Westminster Chapel
GOOD FRIDAY (April 7): 6pm on our YouTube channel
ALL SUNDAY SERVICES (Including Palm Sunday & Easter):
11am in the Sanctuary
All services will be streamed, pending technological cooperation.